Green Sound Soundwave Festival San Francisco
Thursday, May 20, 2010 at 16:02
admin in News, events, festivals, performance

Inflorescence 2010 sound and performance installation - June 17, Soundwave Festival

The Soundwave Festival, organized every two years by ME’DE.ATE will have the theme ‘Green Sound’ this year and will take place from June 6 till August 13, 2010 in San Francisco. The festival combines sound art and sound installations with innovative performances, experimental, classical and popular music. 

With the Greeen Sound theme the festival will explore the natural world and environmental issues, together with over 75 artists and musicians. Looking at the list of artists it is nice to see Alyce Santoro, who was one of the first to answer the Five Sound Questions, is one of them. 

It seems like a very inspiring event and I would like to go there, if it would only be a little closer to where I live. To read more about the festival and all contributing artists, have a look at the Project Soundwave festival website at This is the official Green Sound festival trailer:

Article originally appeared on Sound Art, Sound Installations, Sonic Inspiration (
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