More TodaysArt 2010

On Monday I wrote about the sound installation ‘!’ which I saw at the TodaysArt festival last weekend. I only had time to visit during the day program, so I had a look at different parts of the exposition. Here are some more things I would like to share with you.
The above image is Squeeeque, an igloo made of old speakers by Alexis O’Hara. Visitors can enter the unit and play around with microphones, which will result feedback trough the speakers, creating an immersive sonic environment. It’s a bit of a toy, but it does really look great.
Poème Symphonique
It was great to have the chance to see György Ligeti’s Poème Symphonique for 100 metronomes at the festival. The piece was composed in 1962, but still seems relevant. It was performed in a church, adding a massive reverberation to the sound of the metronomes, and I never thought a simple piece like this could prove to be so fascinating. The sound of the iPhone microphone I filmed this with wasn’t really able to capture any of this magic.
Phase=Order is not a sound installation, although the soft sound coming from the motors turning the 96 plexiglass screens around gave it a nice whispery side effect. It looks like the wind is blowing through the field of screens. A wonderful piece of work by Joris Strijbos.
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