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Five Questions to Pablo Padilla Jargstorf

Architect, sound artist and composer Pablo Padilla Jargstorf specializes in the field of soundscape. We had a look at his Visual Soundscapes before, but being an architect, he also works with space in his installations. 

Have a look at his website to learn more about Pablo and his projects: Here are his answers to the five sound questions: 

1. What sound from your childhood made the most impression on you?

Plenty of them. But I remember, when I was five or six, in my garden, I had a very intense experience. A very strong feeling, something uncanny. It was silence.

2. How do you listen to the world around you?

In two ways. As as a wanderer, I don’t like to perceive sound separately. It is a part of a complete scene, of a whole sensual environment. We have to understand sound with its colours, textures, smells, temperature…

As an artist, I like to observe the capacity of expression of every single sound, and, most of all, its potential of creating a different world by its disfiguration.

3. Which place in the world do you favor for its sound?

There’s a world of sound in every working desk.


4. How could we make sound improve our lives?

Not just with sound. Just being conscious of our enormous sensitive capacity, with all our senses together. It would not make our lives better, but much more intense and profound. 

5. What sound would you like to wake up to? 

At the moment, I wake up every morning with the sound of my nieces. Nothing better than that.

 Also read the answers of other artists in the Five Sound Questions section.

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