Power Model VII

Power Model VII (White Power) is a sound installation by Henrik Rylander. All white keys of three electric organs are pressed down with clamps, creating a suspenseful soundscape that sounds surprisingly un-static.
Playing all those notes at the same time results in a massive sound blanket. Watch the video for an impression:
Reader Comments (2)
The sound is not what I guessed it would be. Going by what my ears tell me, I could swear that there are individual notes being turned on and off. Unexpectedly interesting!
Orguanisation was the title of an installation at the 2006 Sonic Protest Festival in France in which a dozen or so old electronic (transistor) organs were placed along the walls of the exposition hall. They sounded through their own built-in amp & loudspeakers only. Over a period of approximately 4 hours ... very slowly ... musicians, organ by organ, and note for note, installed C major chords in all available octaves, with the help of pieces of cardboard, plastic or wood to hold down the keys. The organs sang this 'triad' for a while, until - again very slowly - all available E flat's were added; and then, somewhat later, one by one, all E's were 'released', leading - again very slowly - up to a sounding of a C minor triad in all octaves on each one of the organs. From C major to C minor ... very slowly ...