Yes/No Questions

Yes/No Questions is an installation by Guy Goldstein. Guy Goldstein is an Israeli artist, currently living and working in Tel-Aviv.

Yes/No Questions uses a dozen amplifiers whose fronts are covered with a photographic print of drum leather, usually found on snare drums. The sounds coming from the amplifiers are those of voices repeating the words “yes” and “no” in different languages. Goldstein strives to create a cultural and aesthetic clash between elements suspended in a state of continuous struggle and confrontation, while building up to a final conflict.
The sound waves create ink stains on the print of the drum leather. This embroidery appears as a violent act, which injures the canvas in a desperate attempt to give form to the inherently formless stains.
A conceptual but very nice piece about confrontation and contrasts. The round drum leather in a square canvas, the ink stains resembling maps alluding to political and social conflicts, etcetera.
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