Five Sound Questions to Jana Winderen

Jana Winderen is an artist researching the hidden depths with the latest technology; her work reveals the complexity and strangeness of the unseen world beneath. The audio topography of the oceans and the depth of ice crevasses are brought to the surface. She is concerned with finding and revealing sounds from hidden sources, both inaudible for the human senses and sounds from places and creatures difficult to access.
The ways Jana records are quite unique. One of the works which made a big impression on me is the Heated (Live in Japan) record. A live performance using source material gathered with various types of hydrophones and microphones in Greenland, Iceland, and Norway. The record is from 2009, but I only recently picked it up, and has been a great inspiration ever since. The depth and variety of sounds are unlike anything I’ve ever heard before on a “field recording”-type of record. A mysterious world of groans, squeaks, unearthly sounds…
1. What sound from your childhood made the most impression on you?
Wind around the corner of our mountain cabin. I knew we could not get out, you had to sit inside until it calmed down, and the sound faded out.
2. How do you listen to the world around you?
With enthusiasm and curiosity.
3. Which place in the world do you favor for its sound?
I would not favour anywhere, each place has its sound character, and I keep getting amazed by the different underwater environments I listen too, for example the variations between different depths and different oceans and lakes. A cold climate has its character, very different from a rain forest environment…
4. How could we make sound improve our lives?
To be more aware and to be able to control our sound environments.
5. What sound would you like to wake up to?
I once woke up on deck of a boat in a hammock by a humpback whale breathing sound. That was a good start of the day…
Thanks Jana! See answers by other artists in the Five Sound Questions section.
Jana is playing the Sonic Acts festival tonight where she will be performing Pasvikdalen (2015), a commission by the Sonic Acts festival.
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